Ok, so this one is back in Colorado... they just look so sweet I had to post it.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Just a little somethin' to look at...
Friday, October 30, 2009
Then & Now- October Review
I had to pick everything that was approaching ripeness at the beginning of the month because I was gone for a couple weeks. I went back to Vermont for my class reunion. We had a whole weekend bash and it was a great time! As a bit of a gee-whiz, I tried to cover the garden to see what might make it while I was away. Temps had been hitting lows in the 30's before I left so I figured if the weather held out for a couple weeks, it might make it.
October Harvest Totals:
October Total: 927 oz = 57# 15 oz
September total: 878 oz = 54# 14 oz
August total: 338 oz = 21 lb 2 oz
July total: 157 oz = 9 lb 13 oz
June total: 69 oz =4 lb 5 oz
May total: 10 oz .
Total: 2379 oz = 148 lb 11 oz
Friday, October 2, 2009
Then & Now- September Review
2/3rds of the beans are done & gone. I cut the plants and added round one of the fall additions. This bed was new this year and shrank to about 6" below the top of the boards. I added some partially composted weeds (bottom layer- I figure if there are seeds in there, most of them will be buried far enough down that they won't be a problem), mostly finished compost, coffee grounds & leaves. Topped it off with a piece of landscape fabric stapled to the top of the bed to keep it neat.
The last 1/3rd was still producing until a few days ago. There may be a little more to come but it won't be much. The yellows in the other bed have pretty well quit too. Most of the 2 beds in the center of the photo (the plastic overlaps to the other one) are no longer producing. The plastic is there for one reason - the peppers. I picked all the usable peppers today as we are expected to freeze tonight. All the extra real estate is covered for a couple reasons. I'm getting ready to take a trip before long. I want to try and give the peppers a chance to produce a little more (though I don't have high expectations) but I won't be home to monitor temperatures in the garden. The peppers are under a curtain and in the middle of this plastic tunnel. The ends of the tunnel are open for ventilation. We'll see how they look when I get back.
The sunflowers have been cut down. I hope to save the seeds for sunflower shoots this winter and for the birds.
Anybody know what these black things are on the back of the sunflower leaves? They're everywhere. They're not squishy like eggs but harder like spores on ferns. I haven't had a chance to look anything up quite yet...
I was sad to see this plant go. It was one of the prettiest plants in the garden this year. It was quite seriously hit with powdery mildew though I don't think that was it's only problem. I initially ignored it figuring it was just time for the plant to go. When I realized I was seeing powdery mildew I did try spraying it but it was too late.
The squash all have some yellow so I'm crossing my fingers they will finish ripening. I harvested 16 from the plants today as well as several Giant Marconi peppers, the ONE yellow bell on the plant, and a few pimiento & banana peppers. I also dug about 5 lbs of potatoes.
I'm afraid I will miss these ripening, so sad... I'll tell the neighbor to come pick them. I think she'll be happy to.
September total: 878 oz = 54# 14 oz
August total: 338 oz = 21 lb 2 oz
June total: 69 oz =4 lb 5 oz
May total: 10 oz .
Total: 1452 oz = 90 lb 12 oz
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I really am still here!
Thanks for stickin' around!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Meme Award!
The Meme award guidelines:
1. Link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Reveal 7 things about yourself
3. Tag 7 other bloggers at the end of your post and link to them
4. Let each blogger know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. Let the tagger know when your post is up.
So here goes...
1. I'm from small-town Vermont (ok, so nearly everyone in VT is from a small town...) and though we've lived several places, Colorado Springs is the biggest city I've ever lived this close to (about 360,000 people). I don't actually live in COS but I'm only about 10 minutes east of the city. I don't think I would like to live anywhere bigger.
2. We have lived in Ogden UT, San Angelo TX, Great Falls MT, Wasilla AK and Falcon CO.
3. I was a Realtor in MT and AK. I am currently in a class to get my license here.
4. I am the middle child of 3. My sister is 2 years older and my brother is one year younger. My brother was adopted from Korea when I was 5 and he was 4. He didn't speak a word of English when he came to live with us.
5. I don't have kids of my own but I have a stepdaughter who is 25 and a stepson who is 21. My s/s lived with us when he was in high school. The first parent/teacher conference we ever went to as parents was for a sophomore. Both kids live in Montana now.
6. I have 2 dogs - Veronica, a 7 y/o lab/hound/shepherd mix and a Wilson a 3 y/o lab/??? and 2 cats (13 & 15 years old).
7. Our first dog was a lab/chow mix who was a great dog. After she died, I said I wasn't getting another black dog because I knew there wouldn't be another like her. Then I saw the puppy pictures of Val & Veronica that the shelter posted online and that was the end of that... (we brought them both home).
And now for the hard part...I would like to pass the Meme along to the following bloggers: (and since I was slow to respond, I know some of you have already gotten this. Don't panic, you don't have to do it again...)
Subsistence Pattern
The Corner Yard
Gamine's Garden
The Gardens at Melissa Majora
Sinfonian's Square Foot Garden
Toni's Weedless Square Foot Garden
Our Engineered Garden
Thanks all! Now I've got to get caught up on my reading!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Then & Now- August Review
This bed has Landreth Stringless, Contender and French Filet bush beans. I would plant the Contender and French Filet again. They produce nice long, straight pods and seemed more productive than the Landreth. The raw flavor was also better. They were all mixed together for cooking so I didn't notice any flavor difference at dinnertime.
The sunflowers are going a little nuts now! The bees love the sunflowers as well as the bolted broccoli flowers. They have both sprawled out of the beds enough that I avoid those pathways to not anger any bees. Most of the time, I can see about 10 bees in the broccoli.
The spaghetti squash look like they're maturing now. They are starting to turn yellow though there is still a lot of green on the fruits. My understanding is they are ready to pick once they have fully turned color. The foliage is looking pretty shabby and appears to have some powdery mildew starting as well.
It took seemingly forever, but some of my peppers I started from seed are producing! I really thought they were never going to grow (my watermelon didn't...). Next year, I will not subject the peppers to such cool spring temps. They'll have to be babied a little more.
My pumpkin is nearly ready! I think there is also a second one just starting to grow. I'm not positive how many surviving plants I have on that ladder but it's at least 2, so the production is really low. On the other hand, I bought the seeds on clearance last fall for about a quarter so I'm not going to complain too much.
I also have what I believe may be a larger pumpkin that sprouted from some compost under my transplanted lilacs in the back yard. I must not have looked at it closely for a while because when I checked it earlier I had several male blooms and no females. I checked it yesterday and there's a fruit that's probably 10" long! There's another small one as well. I'm pretty impressed as this didn't receive any care at all. I think I watered the lilac once this summer as it looked a little wilted (probably because this large squash plant was sucking away all it's water). Maybe I watered twice.
Total: 338 oz = 21 lb 2 oz
July total: 157 oz = 9 lb 13 oz
June total: 69 oz =4 lb 5 oz
May total: 10 oz .
Total: 574 oz = 35 lb 14 oz
If you'd like to re-visit my July review, click this link:
Monday, August 24, 2009
Slow & Steady
The spaghetti squash are starting to show some yellow now
and the small sugar pumpkin is starting to show some orange.
That's it, that's all I've got for today... slow & steady...
Monday, August 17, 2009
OT: for fans of handmade jewelry...

I know Sara from our days in school and I think she creates beautiful jewelry, so I wanted to pass this along to those who may be interested.
To enter, visit Shy Siren, pick your favorite and visit the Sweeter than Me blog at http://kristinfriesen.blogspot.com/2009/08/weekly-giveaway-shysiren.html and leave her a comment.
Now, off to check the garden..
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Pattypan Progress
Friday night, the first pattypan squash was nearly ready to pick. I already had a zucchini to eat with my dinner, so I left it to grow for one more day.
It's about 3" across and weighs almost 5 ounces.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Unsettled Weather
As I was laying there nearly asleep I suddenly heard the sound of rain which was soon followed by the sounds of thunder and small hail. I jumped out of bed and headed out to cover the garden. I made it as far as the front porch. When I got outside, there was so much lightning overhead combined with the fact that it was late and all the neighborhood had gone to bed, that I didn't dare go- call me paranoid but people DO get hit by lightning- so back to bed I went. I cringed every time I heard the hail come back. After about 30 minutes, the storm subsided and I fell asleep.
This morning, I went to check the garden and was pleasantly surprised to find very little damage and .4" in the rain gauge. I knew I wouldn't be home this afternoon and they were predicting more storms, so the covers went on early today. As far as I know, it was quiet until this afternoon. Shortly after I returned home this evening, a storm arrived. Fortunately, we missed the golf ball sized hail (again) that the storm was throwing on it's way east. The brunt of this storm tracked just a little south of us, so we just got about .2" of rain and some small hail (and thunder of course). I clicked on my weather link (on the right side of the page) and they show 1.98" of rain and are just located about a mile of so from here.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
August Update
The Green Dragon Burpless finally has a little cucumber! I need to look up when these started producing last year, it feels like they have been very slow this year.