Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mmmm...what's growing in my basement?

Ok, maybe I shouldn't ask that question, I'm not having the best luck this past week or so... While working on my caulking/weather-sealing project last week, I discovered the exterior trim around my kitchen window was in bad shape. It was wet and rotten. When I pulled it off, it got worse. I won't know the full extent until it's time to take it all apart, but at least I've got someone to fix it for me. He'll have to pull the trim & siding and the kitchen window for sure. Hopefully it's not too much worse in there.

Anyway, this is what I have and WANT growing in my basement!! This is my indoor lettuce (Mesclun) box and very soon it will be salad time!

It looks like the cat has stopped tromping through the seedlings now. I don't think she did too much damage in the end.

This is what else is growing in my basement. It's my collection of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini & squash. The spaghetti squash is off to a good (though accidentally too early) start. They are the tallest seedlings under the lights. Soon I may have to put them in the window by the mesclun and see if that's enough light for them. Otherwise I'll need to find more ways to prop up the tomatoes & peppers! My Carmen peppers sprouted and soon will be moved downstairs (or squeezed in I should say). Maybe next year I need to get another light (or self control?? Nah, another light).

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  1. #*$& right, you need another light. Self control is highly over rated.

  2. I wuz just gonna say what Ribbit said, but she beat me to it. So I'll just say "Ditto."

  3. I just moved the Carmen seedlings under the lights. The bigger squashes just got bumped to the window. They'll probably enjoy the sunshine, I just hope it's enough hours of light for them. Yes, I think maybe a new light for next year...

  4. I just started reading your blog. I went through all of your 2009 trials and tribulations. I love reading it and getting ideas and hearing how another Colorado gardener's season went. I'm from Fountain, so we're pretty close. I was wondering how your corn turned out. I think that if I had had another 3 weeks, I would have gotten some corn. I planted them super late as an experiment, so I didn't expect anything and was impressed with how it grew. How about yours?

  5. Thanks Pogue's Garden! You are nearby! My corn wasn't great last year. The ears I got were pretty good but there were not many ears. I did a little better with pollination than the year before though. I think last year may have been colder and wetter than usual and that may have hurt production on a lot of veggies. Most of my tomatoes did poorly too.
