Friday, April 9, 2010

Attention Seed Addicts!!

On an earlier forum post, I was called an Enabler, so for all you addicts out there who would like to be enabled, did you know this weekend, seeds at Home Depot are Buy One Get One Free???

Did I need seeds????
Did I buy seeds????
Do I have any idea where I can plant these??
(call it a head start for next year if they don't fit now!!)

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  1. Ah darn. Wish my Home Depot was so enlightened. Nice score for you, though. Sales like that are great inducement to try new stuff. And we can always use new stuff...right? Right? ;-D

  2. Hahahahahaha - I love that - "Did I need seeds? Did I buy seeds? Do I have any idea where to plant these seeds?" That is adorable and SO ME!!! I have seeds from 2004 that are still growing fine for me, so I think you'll find a place for them eventually! ;)

  3. i don't think my local HD is doing that this weekend... erm, at least i hope! i just made 2 more online seed orders and i don't have any idea where i'm going to put what i bought...! lol

    *runs in panic circles, laughing like a loon*

  4. I finally sat down and drew up my real garden plan last night. I think I've found space for most of it...

  5. If I'd known that, I would've done the same thing...
