Sunday, May 19, 2013

I see trouble ahead...

See those indents in the soil?  Those would be hoof-prints.

The neighbor has told me in the past the deer would walk through here, between the houses and through the back lot, then across the street to the golf course.  I know the dogs have been barking like crazy every night when I let them out, but I've been chalking that up to the raccoons in the trees along the fence line.  I've actually never seen a deer in this neighborhood (though I've been told they come through, both at this house and the rental, which was just a few minutes away from here).  I'm afraid this adds a whole new level of challenge and one I have not had to deal with so far.  I'm not looking forward to it... 


  1. Deer can be a challenge. We have them walking through our yard and munching on the garden regularly. I've taken to placing fence hoops over some beds to protect the greens. But they also eat my pole beans. I think the key is to plant enough to share :)

  2. My parents have had some luck using coyote urine. It can be found online if you can't get it locally.

  3. I did some reading and I think the veggies they're most likely to eat can be covered (or shared). I did discover it snipped the tip off the tomato DH bought (though I have some more little ones that will go out later)and one ate the tip of my little Jostaberry I planted out front.

    Of course, I think it was just one deer who came to visit. I could be in trouble if it comes back later with some friends. :-)

    It sounds like if I add fruit trees next year, I'll probably need to protect them until they get bigger though.
