Monday, July 26, 2010

Things Are Looking Up!

July has brought us some rain followed by warm temperatures and it's really starting to show out in the garden now. My zucchini are still alive (yay!!) and are starting to get a little bigger. It'll still be quite a while before I get any but the farm stand opened last weekend (I'm so glad they're back!) and they have good zucchini. I've gotten a few zuccs, cucumbers and sweet onions from them this week. I'm going to try out the corn later this week.

The pattypan is still small but has some baby squash starting on it now. The plants were pretty small last year but I thought it was due to being in partial shade. This one is in the sun and is still small. I'm thinking they're just much littler plants than zucchini.

Once again, I think the spaghetti squash is going to be the star of the garden. This bed actually has spaghetti squash, butternut squash, small sugar pumpkin and sugar baby watermelon. Most of what you see in this photo is spaghetti squash. The pumpkin and butternut are starting to put on some size but the spaghetti squash is going crazy. I think there are days that squash grows 6". I have to check it daily to keep it on its trellis and in the bed.

The bush beans have taken off too. I'll give you one guess which section has started to produce this week...

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  1. I noticed you have this jugs in the garden. Are these water?

  2. Yes, water with food coloring. I set them out when I first transplanted the warm season plants to absorb heat during the day to hopefully keep the plants warmer at night. Even though I set plants out late this year, because of our high elevation, nights tend to be especially cool. I leave them there all season so they're already in place for fall. I've got some dark (mostly black) rocks out there too.

  3. I should probably mention that when early and late in the season, I also usually cover the warm season plants in addition to the water jugs. I also use the covers for hail protection.

  4. I'm so glad your vegs are looking up! You have certainly had your share of trials and tribulations this season and you deserve some decent weather! That bean bed looks lush and tempting. Good thing you have a guard posted. ;-D

  5. Your zucchini and mine were both off to a slow start this season. I really like your idea of using jugs of colored water to attract heat, very ingenious. Hopefully you will have your own zucchini soon if not already.
