Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Just a little somethin' to look at...

Ok, I'll admit it, I've been slackin' on the garden work lately. I have done some cleanup and I started to move the mulch pile (that's been sitting by my driveway for months now) to refresh the mulch between the garden beds, but alas, I have not finished yet. I keep forgetting to go out and even check on my poor little lettuce plants (they did survive the cold and snow though). Since I don't really have much to report garden-wise, I thought I'd post a few pictures from my trip to Vermont in October.

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Ok, so this one is back in Colorado... they just look so sweet I had to post it.

I always put bandanas on them for Halloween - they just look friendlier that way. I also put a baby gate between the doors so when I open it for trick-or-treaters, the dogs can say hi to the kiddos but can't go out (or scare any of them too much).
Wilson has a bandaged paw because he ripped another toenail (second one in a month). The vet had to remove the nail and he had to be bandaged for 5 days. He's doing fine now.
Hopefully I'll have more garden progress to report soon. I'd better get that mulch pile moved soon- I think it will just add to the depth of my cross-driveway snowdrift if I don't get it out of the way. I don't need that bugger to get any deeper than it already does (and a storm's coming soon...likely this weekend).


  1. Amy, you got to go home during peek foliage time!!!! Yeah!!!! I sure miss the beautiful leaves of New England!!! Just not the same here in Wyoming... the cottonwood leaves turn gold at best... and the landscape is BEIGE... different shades of BEIGE...

    Thanks for sharing your photos... although it did make me a bit homesick... I miss maple trees!!!!

    I hope to find a variety of Maple that can survive in this high desert area!

  2. It's the first time in a LONG LONG time that I've been home in the fall. I was hoping for some more reds but it just wasn't a really red year I guess. It was pretty though. As a kid I never could understand the "leaf peepers". Then I moved west...
