Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ok, I don't want bears either...

I officially take back my previous comment (from the mountain lion conversation) when I said I'd almost rather have bears.,0,6746663.story

Small bear wanders into Colorado Springs home, shot by owner
By Associated Press
3:52 PM MDT, June 13, 2009

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — A small bear wandered into a Colorado Springs home and was shot and killed by the homeowner.The incident happened Friday night when the 100-pound bear pushed its way through a heavy door into the house and started growling. The unnamed homeowner shot the bear four times with a Colt .45 revolver as it made its way to a staircase.

The resident called authorities after the bear died. Wildlife officials say the bear's hide will be used for educational purposes and that the shooting was justified.

Last week, a bear climbed through a window of a home in Cheyenne Canyon to grab steaks sitting on the counter. The homeowners found the bear and called authorities, who tranquilized the bear and relocated it 100 miles away.

___Information from: The Gazette,

I know there were bears near our house in Alaska (we found scat in the lot behind us and the neighbors found it in their backyard) but they never made their presence known. We didn't even have problems with the trash there. The moose were more troublesome than the bears, and about the worst they did -other than drive the dog crazy (and give me a good scare for my pup's safety) -was strip the tops of all the raspberry bushes.

There are so many people here, the run-ins are probably inevitable.


  1. Mom had bears at her cabin in the GA mountains. They'd destroy everything, even go after cars at times. Once, she woke up and found one licking her bedroom window!!

  2. The bears in Anchorage were troublesome at times (we lived about 40 mi north of Anchorage) One smashed the windows of a van to get to some food inside.

    I think I'd have a heart attack if I woke up with a bear licking my window!

  3. Yikes! All I have to put up with are the peanut planting squirrels. I've got nothing to complain about. 0.o
